



AWARDS & RECOGNITION : IAM Patent 1000 2014

Pintas IP Group and it’s founder and director Mr. Lok Choon Hong has made it into the Intellectual Asset Manager (IAM) Patent 1000 2014 listing. Recognition has been given to Pintas for it’s professional and exemplary searching, drafting and persecution services in the IP industry. Mr. Lok is recognized for his skills on IP strategy...

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25 Jun, 2014

Pintas Events : Sarawak State Secretary on IP Study Trip to Singapore

Pintas was one of the organizers for the Sarawak State Secretary, Tan Sri Datuk Amar Haji Mohamad Morshidi bin Abdul Ghani, and his group on an IP study trip in Singapore recently. The objectives of the 3 day study trip was to see how Singapore’s Government has implemented strategies towards IP Creation, IP Protection and...

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19 Jun, 2014

IP Agent Award(MYIPO)

3 December 2013- MyIPO had organized the IP Agent Award Ceremony at Intellectual Property Training Centre (IPTC), Menara UOA Bangsar. The IP Agent Award was presented by Deputy Director General of MyIPO, Tn. Hj. Mohd Shahar Osman on behalf of the Director General of MyIPO, YBhg Dato’ Azizan Mohamad Sidin. Tn. Hj. Mohd Shahar, who...

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04 Dec, 2013

Patent Application of Domestic Enterprises Stays Inactive

骆俊宏:拖延申请专利程序 知识产权局缺检查官出席者专注聆听三名知识产权专业人士的讲解, 并踊跃发问.骆俊宏:我国每年平均专利申请6000宗,但约只有40名检查官.邱耀宏:在大马,每年申请专利的外国人已超越了本地人

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13 Nov, 2012

Banks trained to valuate intellectual property: Kong

KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 2, 2012): Banks are currently being trained to provide valuations of intellectual property (IP) rights as collateral for companies seeking loans, MCA secretary general Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha said today. “Banks must learn how to evaluate IP and do proper valuations as one kind of IP can be valued differently from ...

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03 Oct, 2012

The New Fundrasing Solutions for Entrepreneurs in South Malaysia

大学研发无数技术和产品 知识产权商业化不足5% 联办单位呼吁年轻知识产权企业家踊跃出席“天使俱乐部讲座暨推介礼”。左起为张久文、苏有新、刘国胜、骆俊宏、吴伟豪和颜小真。...

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20 Sep, 2012

Local Patents Get Poor Response

LESS than 5% of the local patents from the private sector in the country receive sufficient funding to bring the product to commercial production stage. Association of Intellectual Property Entrepreneurs and Organisations (AIPO) president Lok Choon Hong said about 2,000 patents were filed in the country annually to receive intellectual protection. He said about half ...

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05 Sep, 2012

Angel Investors Club The Networking Platform for Entrepreneurs


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24 Jul, 2012

Guardian of Original Idea


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03 Apr, 2012

Incense: Industrial Design Rights Issue

Pintas was one of the organizers for the Sarawak State Secretary, Tan Sri Datuk Amar Haji Mohamad Morshidi bin Abdul Ghani, and his group on an IP study trip in Singapore recently. The objectives of the 3 day study trip was to see how Singapore’s Government has implemented strategies towards IP Creation, IP Protection and...

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19 Jun, 2014

Business For Sale – Novice’s Guide To Intellectual Property

3 December 2013- MyIPO had organized the IP Agent Award Ceremony at Intellectual Property Training Centre (IPTC), Menara UOA Bangsar. The IP Agent Award was presented by Deputy Director General of MyIPO, Tn. Hj. Mohd Shahar Osman on behalf of the Director General of MyIPO, YBhg Dato’ Azizan Mohamad Sidin. Tn. Hj. Mohd Shahar, who...

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22 Jun, 2011

The Star – Guardian of original ideas and products

THE governing body of parent-teacher associations is in full support of the Education Ministry's effort to collaborate with the police in holding talks with students on the dangers of terrorist ideology and the Islamic State (IS) militant group.


01 Jan, 2008

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