




苹果(Siri)与谷歌(Google Assistant) : 智能手机语音系统之专利策略与布局 (Published By Sin Chew Article)


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21 Sept, 2017

漫谈特郎普的TRUMP 商标 : 美国总统特郎普是商标狂人,在世界各地注册上千件的TRUMP商标,商家们更应该快马加鞭,不落人后的保护自家的商标 (Published By Sin Chew Article)


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22 Aug, 2017

谷歌(Google) 成立了安卓(Android)专利联盟PAX对付苹果(Apple) ROCKSTAR 专利联盟集团,另一波的专利之战瞬势待发?(Published By Sin Chew Article)


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22 June, 2017

Revision of Filing Fees in Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS)

Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) has announced an adjustment of the filing fees for Patent and Trade Mark applications. The revised fees will come into effect from April 1, 2017 onwards.*

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28 March, 2017


Huan Schen Sdn Bhd v SRAM, LLC [2016] - A Case Summary

Huan Schen Sdn Bhd (“Plaintiff”) filed an originating summons (“OS”) under s 45(1)(a) of the Trade Marks Act 1976 (“TMA”) to expunge 5 trade marks (“Defendant’s TMs”) registered in the Register of Trade Marks (“Register”) under the name of SRAM LLC (“Defendant”). Previously, the Plaintiff had obtained the Registrar’s decision to dismiss the Defendant’s application to oppose the registration of the Plaintiff’s trade mark because the Defendant had failed to establish the use of its trade marks in Malaysia before the date of Plaintiff’s application to register its trade mark. Upon successful registration of the Plaintiff’s trade mark, the Plaintiff alleged that the Defendant’s TMs were entries wrongfully made and remaining in the Register and therefore, applied to expunge and remove the Defendant’s TM from the Register. The Court considered the following issues:

Can the Plaintiff file this OS?

Who is the first user and common law proprietor of “SRAM” mark?

Whether the Plaintiff had successfully challenged the Defendant’s TMs’ conclusive registration under s 37 TMA? If so, does the Court has a discretion not to expunge Defendant’s 1st to 4th Trade Marks under s 45(1)(a) TMA?

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2 March, 2017

SINGAPORE IP CASE UPDATE : The Connection of Trademark Infringement in Singapore


This case concerns the Plaintiff’s (Calvin Klein, Inc. and Calvin Klein Trademark Trust) application for summary judgement against the Defendants (HS International Pte Ltd, Global PSM Pte Ltd and Mr Jeffrey Tan) for trade mark infringement. The central feature in the Plaintiff’s suit is the Defendants involvement in selling counterfeit goods on the SGbuy4u Website. Chan Seng Onn J. set out 3 important principles in determining whether the Plaintiff's would succeed in their application:

(a) whether the requirement of double identity under s 27(1) of the Trade Marks Act 1976 (“TMA”) is satisfied;

(b) whether the relevant signs have been “use[d]” within the meaning of ss 27(1) and (4) of the TMA; and

(c) which, if any, of the Defendants carried out the infringing use.

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6 February , 2017


Singsung Pte Ltd v LG 26 Electronics Pte Ltd (trading as LS Electrical Trading) [2016] SGCA 33 – A Case Summary

This is an appeal from the High Court judgement in 2015. In this Court of Appeal case, the appellant, Singsung Pte Ltd (“Singsung”) sued the respondent, LS Electrical Trading (“LS”), for passing off, copyright infringement and defamation. LS counterclaimed for malicious falsehood and for groundless threats of copyright infringement. Singsung claimed that LS was liable for passing off as the get-up for eight of LS’ electrical products (“LS Get-Up”) was identical or confusingly similar to the get-up of Singsung’s electrical products (“Singsung Get-Up”) and LS had infringed the copyright of Singsung’s White Get-Up Picture, Blue Get-Up Picture and the TV Stickers. The Court explored how a plaintiff may prove the elements of the tort of passing off, the operation of the doctrine of instruments of deception, and the scope of liability for issuing groundless threats under s 200 of the Copyright Act.

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9 Janaury , 2017

农业知识产权(下篇)(Published by Sin Chew Article)



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1 Dec, 2016

农业知识产权(上篇)(Published By Sin Chew Article)

农业知识产权,是指农耕企业家对农业技术所作出的创造性成果,依法保护所享有的经济权利 。伴随着农业科技含量的提昂,及农耕事业规模化发展,农业企业也进入了高新技术及高度商业竟争时代。因此,知识产权在农业领域也变成越来越重要。在竞争白日化的全球市场,马来西亚在某些农业及农业加工领域如棕油、榴梿、像胶还保持一定的国际竞争优势。要保持这方面的竞争优势,农业企业务必加强对知识产权的意识及应用。


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17 Nov , 2016

Malaysia IP Case Update : Malaysia High Court Oishi Trademark Expunged Due To Non-Use

The recent Court of Appeal (“COA”) decision in Oishi Group Public Company Limited v Liwayway Marketing Corporation upheld the previous High Court’s decision which ordered that the Defendant, Liwayway’s registered “Oishi” trademark be expunged and removed from the Trade Marks Register. The Plaintiff, Oishi Group had been exporting products into Malaysia using the “Oishi” trademark with the “Oishi” word being similar to the Defendant’s registered mark and had applied to court for the Defendant’s trademark to be expunged and removed.

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8 Nov, 2016

Singapore IP Case Update :Official Secrets Act Overides Copyright ( Lee Wei Ling and another v Attorney-General [2016] SGHC 207 )

In this Singaporean case, the daughter and the younger son of Lee Kuan Yew (“the LKY estate”), who are the executors of his estate applied to court for the interpretation of an interview agreement (“IA”) signed in 1983 and the right to use the recordings and transcripts of interviews (“the Transcripts”) made between 8 July 1981 and 5 July 1982. The Transcripts were kept by the current Secretary to the Cabinet (“Cabinet Secretary”).

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8 Nov, 2016

Malaysia IP Case Update : 3 Dimensional Trademark Registrable in Malaysia

This case concerns the registrability of three-dimensional (3D) marks. The Plaintiff, Kraft Foods had sought to apply to register a 3D prism-shaped mark in reddish brown colour, described as “Toblerone Chocolate Teeth 3D In Colour” (the “Proposed Mark”) for goods in Class 30 (chocolates etc.).

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8 Nov, 2016

成熟期融资策略:知识产权证券化(Published By Sin Chew Article)

在欧美日等较为先进的经济体系,成熟的知识产权(IP)企业,可以 通过更为创新的金融手段,把无形的知识产权证券化,向广大的市埸筹集资金。

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3 Nov, 2016

成熟期IP企业:以知识产权套现财富 IP Finance 7 (Published By Sin Chew Article)

成熟期IP 企业融资的最快方式就是真接出售其知识产权组合,或直接脱手持有知识产权组合的公司给对其知识产权有兴趣的买家,以便筹集基金。

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6 Oct, 2016

知识产权企业成长阶段融资策略 不经一番寒彻骨怎得梅花噗鼻香 (Published by sin chew article)

知识产权(IP) 企业经历了艰苦的创业期,业绩终于步上轨道,好不容易挨到了高度成长的企业青春期。在此阶段,IP企业会尝试把生意做大做强,把创意产品或服务扩大生产规模,及把业务区域化甚至国际化。

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22 Sept, 2016

政府提供拨款 设援助金优辅助知识产权企业家 (Published by sin chew article)

先进国如美日韩,私人企业专利申请量占国内专利申请量的百份之八十,大学政府研究机构只占百份之二十。然而,马耒西亚私人企业的专利申请量仅占国内专利申请量百份之二十,政府则占了 百份之八十。

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11 Aug, 2016

关于大公司的 Logo,有人发现了这些小秘密

公司的 LOGO 设计是一门有名堂的生意。设计一个大公司的 LOGO 可能要花很多钱,聘请有司职于此的设计团队、调研公司…但有的公司在这上面就没花几个钱。

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2 Aug, 2016



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2 Aug, 2016

丰田申请飞行专利 以后得考飞行执照

“OOOO 你这么牛,怎么不飞上天”。这是时下一句流行语。以鄙视那些自不量力的人和事。但今天,作为放松三部曲的最后一个,我们将看见一款真的要飞上天的家伙。日前,丰田汽车公司正式为旗下 某车型申请飞行专利。

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2 Aug, 2016

苹果为 iPhone 申请的新专利,是一个有 360 度屏幕的手机

苹果最近获批了一项名为 “ 360 度弧形环绕式屏幕 ” 的电子设备专利。

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2 Aug, 2016

原来苹果也“山寨”:iPhone 6被判抄袭深圳手机公司外观专利

iPhone自发布以来,一直以来是各大智能手机厂商设计的标杆,很多款智能手机上都有些iPhone的影子,苹果以前甚至频频发起诉讼,指责别家公司抄袭iPhone设计。可是,你有没有想过,原 来你手上的iPhone 6和 iPhone 6 Plus,也侵犯了别人的外观专利?

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2 Aug, 2016

Facebook Patents Clever Way To Advertise Just To Important People

Celebrities aren’t like you and me. They’re better. Or at least Facebook thinks they’re worth more money.

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2 Aug, 2016

Amazon envisions drone recharging stations on street lights, patent filing shows

Imagine sitting at an intersection, waiting for the light to change, when your dazed reverie is interrupted by a drone landing on the stoplight.

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2 Aug, 2016

China's progress in innovation 'quite remarkable': WIPO Director General - Business

BEIJING, July 21 (Xinhuanet) -- China’s progress in innovation is remarkable, said Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization Francis Gurry in a recent exclusive interview with Xinhuanet.

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2 Aug, 2016

10 Inventions That Earned Their Creators Nothing

Whenever you create something new, patent it as soon as possible, or others might take advantage of your creation. It has happened numerous times throughout history. While the following creators may have received some meager compensation for their creations, most saw little to no profit at all.

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2 Aug, 2016

Amazon patent proposes using lamp posts as drone docking stations

Using the docking station, Amazon's drones could come down to recharge ahead of the next leg of their journey.

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2 Aug, 2016

JHU, UM among top schools filing patents, say inventors

Johns Hopkins and the University of Maryland were among the top patent-filing universities worldwide in 2015, according to a report published this month by the National Academy of Inventors and the Intellectual Property Owners Association.

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2 Aug, 2016

Samsung patent filing shows off new wireless charger designs

We're just about a week away from finally getting a Galaxy Note 7 reveal, but a newly discovered Samsung patent shows that the Note 7 may not be the only thing on the horizon

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2 Aug, 2016

The 13 craziest Google patents

Google is known for pursuing ambitious projects it typically dubs as "moonshots."

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2 Aug, 2016

11 celebrities who were also inventors

You'll known these people from their work on stage and screen - but you might surprised to learn that they also all had (or have) a sideline as an inventor. As for whether their inventions are any good - we'll leave that for you to judge.

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2 Aug, 2016


知识产权(IP)企业通常源自一个新的想法或创意。有了一个可以改变市场游戏规则(Game Changer)的创意,企业家也需要资金去验证(Proof of Concept),开发模型(Prototype),与通 过基本的知识产权保护,把创新想法占为已有。这个企业成立时段,我们统称为前种子(Pre seed) 期。

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28 Jul, 2016


所谓的生态系统,就是生物与环境构成的统一整体,在这个整体中,生物与环境之间相互影响,并在一定时期内处于相对稳定的动态平衡状态,当然这是生物学上的意义。这个概念类比到商业中也是一样的,而今天我 们要说的是知识产权融资生态系統。

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14 Jul, 2016



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9 June, 2016

IKEA印尼大意失商标 商标使用的重要性

瑞典的家具龙头老大IKEA公司,在2015年底被印尼最高法院(Mahkamah Agung)判决失去在印尼的部份IKEA商标,引起业界密切关注。

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26 May, 2016



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12 May, 2016



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14 Apr, 2016


侵犯版权行为:任何未经版权拥有人的许可,以营利为目的抄袭,发表、出版、复制、表演、播放、展览、发行、摄制电影、电视、录像或者改编、翻译、注释、编辑等方式使用其作品;或者在未经作者的允许 下歪曲、篡改他人作品,或在 没有参加创作,为谋取个人名利,在他人作品上署名。

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31 Mar, 2016


在数字网络时代,版权的经济效应比以往更为显着。举例来说,周星驰拍摄的电影:美人鱼,在传统环境下,其收入从票房到音像制品再到电视播出、版权输出 逐步递减,此流程走完,商业价值接近枯竭。但随着互联网的兴起,类似美 人鱼电影,这些经典作品再度焕发生机,视频网站、分享网站使它们不再受流行与否的影响,长时间存在于网络,被消费者随时点播。此外,网络版权传播者、使用者对版权的个性化、碎片化需求也使得版 权资产的获益方式更加多元, 大大拉长了版权资产的“价值尾巴”。

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17 Mar, 2016


凡是符合版权條件的作品,在法律上不须注册就自動受版权保护,只要在作品上注明版权通知(copyright notice)即可。版权通知的形式如下:Copyright 公司名2016。

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3 Mar, 2016

通过生日快乐歌版权案例,了解版权保护条件与期限 版权案例:生日快乐歌版权

我们都非常熟悉的「生日快快乐歌」,最近因不附合版权条件,被美国联邦法庭宣判版权无效。「生日快乐歌」的原作者是希尔姐弟(Patty Smith Hill & Mildred J. Hill),原本名 为「大家早安」,1893年写成 这首歌,並配上简单的旋律;随后希尔家族將這首歌放在「幼稚园的歌曲故事」,並把该书版权转让给桑米公司。随后华纳音乐从桑米公司的后继者买下这本书的版权,並且向使用者收费;一般估计,华纳 音乐每年可以从「生日快乐歌」 收取约上千 美元的使用费。

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18 Feb, 2016


版权是文学、艺术和科学作品作者对其作品的一种无形资产权,它与专利(PATENT),商标(TRADEMARK),工业设计(INDUSTRIAL DESIGN)并列,被归纳为知识产权 (INTELECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS)。

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4 Feb, 2016

知识产极多重保护策略 工业设计,商标,专利之相辅相成功能

本专栏从2015年头一路走来,陆续刊出多篇有关商标专利与工业设计保护策略之文章,与知识产权企业家分享。 2016伊始,笔者希望把工业设计,商标与专利之相辅相成功能重新整合,通过知识产权多重保护策略,把工业设计,专利与商标之功能最大化。

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21 Jan, 2016

iPhone 7 Features

iPhone 7 features:Could arrive with animated 3D maps, reveals Apple patent. Published: 11 October 2015 A new patent granted to Apple by the US Patent and Trademark Office for a technology that will allow users to animate parts of a 3-D map using inputs such as touch, gesture, audio and motion indicates that the iPhone...

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13 Oct, 2015

iPotential Newsfeed

Lonza Biologics Tuas Pte Ltd vGenpharm International Inc [2015] SGIPOS 13 Published: 28 July 2015 The applicants applied to invalidate the proprietor’s patent (SG 905) in part. In its counter-statement, the proprietor offered to amend some of the disputed claims. It was held that the amendments ought to be allowed since these weremade in bona...

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21 Jul, 2015

iPotential Newsfeed: Registrar’s Role in Expungement or Infringement of a Mark

HO TACK SIEN & ORS v. ROTTA RESEARCH LABORATORIUM S.p.A & ANOR; REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS (INTERVENER) & ANOTHER APPEAL [2015] 4 CLJ The plaintiff is the registered proprietor of the Viatril-S mark, a pharmaceutical drug registered in Malaysia. The defendant was the registered owner of the Atril-250 trademark and was also the distributor and...

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31 Jul, 2015

iPotential Newsfeed: Likelihood of Confusion A Sufficient Ground?

The Polo/Lauren Company, L.P. v United States Polo Association [2015] SGIPOS 10 Published: 12 June 2015 These are opposition proceedings commenced by The Polo/Lauren Company LP (“the Opponents”) in relation to the trade mark application T1215440A (“the Application Mark”) filed by United States Polo Association (“the Applicants”). Two grounds of opposition were relied...

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31 Jul, 2015

Part 12 每一位发明家所必须知道的专利之最佳实踐

許多企業家,總以有專利在手,就会一本万利。但是他們往往在花費钜資,申請專利後,才發現實際效益遠不及花費的金錢。這都在於這些企業在申请专利前考慮不夠周全。在此,笔者希望在此分享申请专利之最佳实踐 ( Best Practice)。 1。申請專利前,先搜索專利 在申請專利之前,如果能搜索先前的相關技術,一来可確認自身发明是否俱備申请专利新颖性与创造性条件,二来可以改善撰寫专利的質量。展开专利搜索的另一目的是为了確定自身产品有沒有侵犯第三者专利...

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29 Jul, 2015

Part 11 專利权歸何处: 鉴定发明起源,拥抱专利权利

案例1:张三在A公司担任工程師职位、在任內开发新发明,谁拥有专利权? 案例2: 李四是名獨立技术顾问, 在为B公司提供咨询期间发明新技术,专利权属于谁? 案例3 : 王五和趙六共同开发新发明,专利权又歸何人? 专利权是企业宝贵资产,专利拥有权是每位企业家所应关注的课题。 想要確定一项发明专利权之合法拥有权,则必须先鉴定该发明的起源。 申請專利的發明可以分兩大類:一是職務發明...

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29 Jul, 2015

Part 10 加强专利管理与保护, 防止企业财富肥水流向他人田

在現今创新型经济里,知识产权是公司最宝贵资产。然而、如何有効的確認、捕捉、保护,管理公司内部有商业價值的知识产权,却是许多企业面对的難题。诚然,比起许多先进经济体系,我国知识产权管理意识尚处于萌芽階段。企业如不急起直追,在创新领域將很難与欧美日韓中企业爭长短。 企业内部的无形资产(intangible asset),基本上可分为三大类...

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29 Jul, 2015

他山之石、可以改玉 :善用他人專利, 加强企业兢爭力

尽管公司内部拥有研发的能力,但企业也必须走出公司,到外头寻找全新发明或科技、引进外部專利来加强企业的整体兢爭力。在這方面,政府资助的科研型机构和大学皆是非常关键專利和创新来源。 在健全的科技转移生态圈,政府每年会从税收中抽取科技研发资金...

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29 Jul, 2015

Part 8 行销生产部,创意可捕抓

就算一家公司没有正式的研发设备,一些技术人员或是生产员工可能经常在管理层毫无察觉的情况下,进行研发。有些时候,他们基于各种理由,必须对现有产品作出调整,以满足客户需求。 由此可见,公司的任何一个角落都可能涌现创新的想法。其中一个挖掘发明的绝佳地点为市场和行销部门。原因在于这些部门的执行人员必须了解市场的动向和需求,所以极可能在过程中发掘解决难题的技术方案...

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29 Jul, 2015

Part 7 内部研发部门为企业创新与申請专利最重要的管道

若企业内部具有研发的能力,就必须负责开创新技术,以满足公司发展需求。研发是取得创新与专利最重要的管道,在美国、德国、日本等先进的经济大国,私人企业每年都花费超过3%的国民生产总值,作为研发用途。这显示了经济大国的企业相当重视研发成果。他们为了持续占有竞争优势,运用知识产权和专利的保护计划,小心翼翼地守护研究成果。 專利的故事...

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29 Jul, 2015

改良产品或流程 申请專利创意泉源不竭

有许多企业为了申请專利,都必须绞尽腦汁,设法开发全新创意。然而,笔者从事专利工作多年、发现许多专利的缘起、主要是来自对现有之产品或生产流程之改良 。換而言之企业要申请专利,並不需要开天辟地的大发明,一些经过改良之产品或生产流程也是可被申请为専利,只要改良过之产品或流程、附合專利新颖性,创造性与实用性之基本要求。针对产品或流程所做出的任何实質性改良...

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29 Jul, 2015


在日益蓬勃的知识创新型经济中,企业若要保有竞争力,就必须以创意、突破性的想法和概念,不断创新自身产品、服务或商业模式。企业可利用各种方式改善现有产品、增加产品功能或开发全新产品,以取得突破。 一旦企业发展了一套独特的想法和概念,并以出人意表或更好的方式解决了技术难题,就应该采取适当及时的措施,保护其创新的想法、概念或知识;在法律允许的情况下...

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29 Jul, 2015

實用性为專利之根本: 專利保护可被實践的发明

申請專利有三项基本條件: 即该发明需附合新颖性、创造性与實用性三大条件。在此专栏、我们会深入研讨申请專利實用性之基本要求。 所谓的實用性,主要是指一项發明能夠被制造或使用,並且能夠產生積極效果。 发明人可以在概念階段,为向未验证的抽象的点子申请专利,但该概念如果无法实现或产生效果,那有关专利便会变无効。此外,一般不附合物理原理的专利...

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29 Jul, 2015

创造性为專利之本: 專利保护一加一大于二的技術方案

申請專利有三项基本條件: 即该发明需附合新颖性、创造性与實用性三大条件。在此专栏、我们会深入研讨申请專利创造性之基本要求。 創造性是指該發明與申請日之前的技術相比,有突出的實質性特點及顯著的進步。一項技術是否具有創造性,可以根據該技術所屬領域的普遍技術人員的判斷處作標準。 換言之,如果发明人可以向專利局证明其新发明组合,比起现有的技术组合...

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29 Jul, 2015

新颖性为専利之基: 專利保护獨一无二的组合 (Part 2)

專利保护任何可以解决技术難题的方案或发明。通过專利所賦于專和拥有人的二十年的獨有权及排他权,商家与发明人可在有保障的情况下投入大量的金錢 、精力开发更创新及有效率的技术解决方案或发明耒迎合市場需求,文明的巨輪也因此向前推进。 申請專利有三项基本條件: 即该发明需附合新颖性、创造性与實用性三大条件。让我们深入研讨申请專利之新穎性要求。 新穎性:新穎性是指一项發明在申請日之前沒有同樣的發明被公开过或在國內外出版物上公開發表過或...

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29 Jul, 2015

專利:企业创新和商业财富的护身符 (Part 1)

專利是指政府知通过識產權局授予發明人或商家在一定期限內對其發明成果依法享有獨占實施的專有權力。 專利權持有人對其發明創造的技術成果享有制造、使用及銷售獨占權,任何單位未經專利權持有人的許可,不得使用其專利方法制造、使用及銷售產品或服務,否則需對專利權持有人負起民事及刑事責任。 专利保护期最长为二十年,专利持有人须每年缴交年费,以维持专利有効性...

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29 Jul, 2015

Chapter 6: 商標侵权仿冒风险保護

註冊商標專用權的保護 註冊商標的專用權,是以核準註冊的商標與核定使用的商品為限。侵犯註冊商標的行為包括了:(一)未經註冊商標擁有人的許可,在同一種商品服務或類似的商品服務上使用與其註冊商標相同或者近似商標的行為。(二)擅自制造或銷售他人註冊商標標志的行為。(三)給他人註冊商標專用權其他損害的行為。 侵犯他人註冊商標者,除了必須賠償侵權人的損失...

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29 Jul, 2015


在每個國家注冊商標的方式儘管有些許不同,但是大致上都離不開以下步驟。 商標搜尋 全世界正在使用的商標數以百萬,每天都有許多人註冊新的商標,因此搜尋工作變得越來越繁雜,尤其搜尋有無近似或相同的文字商標更是困難。 商標註冊流程 a. 申請 填寫申請商標表格,連同規定的文件呈交國家商標局

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29 Jul, 2015

Similarity in Mark Is Not Sufficient

Time Inc. v Li San Zhong [2014] SGIPOS 14 In this case, Time Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “the Applicants”) applied for a declaration of invalidity for the Trade Mark (Subject Mark). The Registered Proprietor of the Subject Mark is Li San Zhong (hereinafter referred to as “the Proprietor”). The Subject Mark was registered in...

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02 Feb, 2015

The Battle of Novelties

FUKUYAMA AUTOMATION SDN BHD v. XIN XIN ENGINEERING SDN BHD & ANOR (2014) This action involves an alleged infringement of Malaysian Patent No.MY-124182-A (“the Malaysian Patent”). It was held by the High Court of Malaya in Shah Alam, Selangor Malaysia that the Malaysian Patent lacks novelty and therefore, invalid. The Malaysian Patent registered under...

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02 Feb, 2015

IPotential Newsfeed Copyright Act Amendment in Singapore

SINGAPORE APPROVES COPYRIGHT ACT AMENDMENT Keeping in line with its 10-year goal of being an IP hub for Asia, the Parliament of Singapore has approved an amendment to the Copyright Act which came into force end of August 2014. The Copyright (Amendment) 2014 Bill allow rights holders to seek injunctions directly from the courts to...

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01 Feb, 2015

IPotential Newsfeed Patent Monetizing

MONETIZATING YOUR PATENTS A company’s Intellectual Property (“IP”) is an important and valuable asset to the company. The definition of IP ranges from the company’s trademarked logo or brand, the patents it has over its discoveries and inventions, the copyright to its designs and creations as well as design patents over its product’s physical look...

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01 Feb, 2015

IPotential Newsfeed IP in Singapore

FASTRACK ON IP SETTLEMENTS IN SINGAPORE As of 1st April 2014, Singapore companies and entrepreneurs are able to refer to a new option for patent disputes known as ‘expert determination’, an addition to the three existing modes of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) – negotiation, mediation and arbitration. Disputing parties may use expert determination on its...

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01 Feb, 2015


品牌顯著性和新颖性 (2) 一个品牌要被成功注册为商标,除了需要符合顯著性的要求,也须具備新颖性条件。換言之,商标申请人须是首位在有关国家商标局,针对相关商标类别,为其品牌提出商标申请者。 商標新颖性 對于兩個以上申請人以相同或相似的商標申請在同一商品服務類別上的申請案,商标局基本上是采取先注冊的原則,即商標屬于該商標的首先注冊人所有...

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06 Jan, 2015


品牌顯著性和新颖性 (1) 知识产权企业家公会 (AIPO) 主席 PINTAS IP GROUP骆俊宏董事律师 商家都知道利用商標建立消費者對品牌的認知,有助企業達到設定的商業目標或營業額。但是企業到底該如何選擇商標,才能在主要市場保护好其品牌...

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06 Jan, 2015

IPotential Newsfeed Trademark in China

IPOTENTIAL NEWSFEED 08042014 TRADEMARK IN CHINA As the world’s second biggest economy, many companies and corporations are turning their attention to China in setting up businesses and selling their products in the expanding market there. Many, however, find that their product entry into China has been problematic at times with that emerging local trend...

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10 Apr, 2014

Universal Novelty : The New Criteria for Industrial Design Registration in Malaysia

Summary of changes and updates to the Malaysian Industrial Design (Amendment) Regulations brought in force on 1st July 2013. The Malaysian Industrial Designs (Amendment) Act 2013 was published in the Gazette on 22nd January 2013 and came into force on 1st July 2013. The changes involved now bring Malaysian law closer into line with international jurisdictions like those...

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05 Mar, 2014

Singapore Patents Act Amendments 2014

The Patents (Amendments) Act 2012 came into force on 14th February 2014, bringing with it some fundamental changes to the Singapore patent practice. It aims to solidify Singapore’s intellectual property (IP) system while expanding it to enhance Singapore’s reputation as a leading IP hub in the Asian region. It also aligns Singapore’s patent prosecution processes with those of other...

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03 Mar, 2014

IPotential Newsfeed Sweet Candy Madness

IPOTENTIAL NEWSFEED 02052014 SWEET CANDY MADNESS The US Patent and Trademark Office (UPTO) has recently approved the trademark application of mobile gaming giant King.com’s for “Candy” filed a year ago in February 2013. Without hesitation, King.com has already approached rival game developers who has used the word “candy” in their work and is politely encouraging them to stop...

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10 Feb, 2014

IPotential Newsfeed Patent Kings

IPOTENTIAL NEWSFEED 01272014 PATENT KINGS For the 20th year in the row, International Business Machines Corp (IBM) has come out tops as the highest patent winner of 2013. Data from IFI CLAIMS Patent Services, which tracks and analyzes patent data from the U.S Patent and Trademark Office, indicated that IBM earned a total of 6,809 patents in 2013. Coming...

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28 Jan, 2014

IPotential Newsfeed Aspec Programme

IPOTENTIAL NEWSFEED 12232013 ASPEC PROGRAMME The first regional patent co-operation programme, the ASEAN Patent Co-Operation otherwise known as ASPEC, was launched in 2009 with the initial membership of Cambodia, Indonesia, LAO PDR, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. In 2012, Brunei Darussalam joined the ASPEC group further strengthening the programme. The ASPEC programme provides for the sharing...

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26 Dec, 2013

IPotential Newsfeed IP Monetization

IPOTENTIAL NEWSFEED 12202013 IP MONETIZATION Intellectual Property (IP) has long been acknowledged as an asset of any enterprise but how often has that asset been put to full use in terms of monetizing it? As a form of proprietary technology, IP is worth protecting and safeguarding, the same as any other valuable corporate asset. But protection on...

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26 Dec, 2013

IPotential Newsfeed Patent Troll

IPOTENTIAL NEWSFEED 12162013 PATENT TROLLS One of the headline making news that has caught the attention of industry experts around the world is the US Senate’s rising interest in the proliferation of ‘patent trolls’ within recent years, and the criticism to the manner to which they seek to profit from the patents in their possession...

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17 Dec, 2013

Copyright Protection for Unregistered Designs

Previously, copyright in any design which is capable of being registered under the Malaysian Industrial Designs Act 1996 (IDA), but which has not been so registered, ceases as soon as any article to which the design is applied is reproduced more than 50 times by an industrial process by the copyright owner or his licensee...

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10 Dec, 2013

IPotential Newsfeed IP Nuclear War

IPOTENTIAL NEWSFEED 11222013 IP NUCLEAR WAR One of the biggest IP developments of the year – being likened by some as the ‘nuclear war’ of IP – is the recent spate of lawsuits brought on by the Rockstar consortium against Google, Samsung, LG Electronics, HTC, Huawei, Asustek, Pantech and ZTE Corp for patent infringements...

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28 Nov, 2013

Intellectual Property Risks: The Pitfalls Every Exporter Should Avoid Part 2

Pitfall No.6: Are You Infringing The Rights of Others? When you introduce your products or services into a new market/country your run the risk of infringing on other’s IP rights. The trade mark that you are using may have already being registered (refer to Pitfall No.1 and No.2). The technology in your products may belong...

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12 Jan, 2012


Starting from 1 January 2012, most countries which are party to the Nice Agreement will be adopting the new I NTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS AND SERVICES UNDER THE NICE AGREEMENT TENTH EDITION. The new classification has seen numerous changes being made to the lists of goods and services. New items have been added to the...

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06 Jan, 2012

Intellectual Property Risks: The Pitfalls Every Exporter Should Avoid Part 1

Pitfall No.1: Territorial Rights Most IP rights are territorial, your rights only exist in the country/countries where your IP is registered. This may mean that your IP is not protected in the country where you are selling your goods and services into. Solution: Register your IPs and register them early (preferably before you enter into...

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06 Jan, 2012

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